The monthly Sarasota Woodturners club meeting is held on the first Tuesday of each month from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. This is an in-person meeting and is on Zoom for people who are not able to attend the meeting in-person. The Zoom login information will be provided here prior to the meeting, so be sure to check back closer to the meeting. Members will receive an email with the login information when it is available.
The meeting starts at 6:30 with club announcements followed by show and tell. The show and tell is your opportunity to show and talk about your finished and in progress pieces.
Everyone is welcome to come at 6:00 pm to talk about topics of interest, renew acquaintances or make new ones.
Visitors are welcome to attend the meeting to see what our club is all about. Be sure to introduce yourself to any of our club officers and we'll be glad to answer all your questions.
Frank Johannesen will be demonstrating Rosewood Manipulation. See the following PDF file for more information.
2025-2 Demo Rosewood Manipulation.pdf
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 9913 0534
Passcode: 766835
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Meeting ID: 895 9913 0534
Passcode: 766835
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